Alternations and binding
- Geist, Ljudmila, accepted 15.05.2018. Predication over aspects of human individuals. Linguistics.
- Onea, Edgar & Daniel Hole 2017. Differential Object Marking of human definite direct objects in Romanian. Revue roumaine de linguistique 62(4): 359-376
- Geist, L. & Hole, D. 2016. Theta-head binding in the German locative alternation. In: Bade, Nadine Bade, Polina Berezovskaya & Anthea Schöller (eds.) Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung in Tübingen 2015, pp. 270-287.
- Hole, D. 2014. Dativ, Bindung und Diathese. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Mouton.
- Hole, D., 2012. German free datives and Knight Move Binding. In: Alexiadou, A., Kiss, T., Müller, G.(Eds.), Local modelling of non-local dependencies in syntax. de Gruyter Mouton, Berlin/Boston, pp.213-246.
- Hole, D., 2006. Extra argumentality - affectees, landmarks and voice. Linguistics 44 (2), 383-424.
- Hole, D., 2005a. Reconciling "possessor" datives and "beneficiary" datives - towards a unified voice account of dative binding in German. In: Maienborn, C., Wöllstein, A. (Eds.), Event Arguments: Foundations and Applications. Niemeyer, Tübingen, pp. 213-242.
- Hole, D., 2005b. Zur Sprachgeschichte einiger deutscher Pronomina. Sprachwissenschaft 30, 49-75.
- Hole, D., 2004. Extra argumentality - a binding account of "possessor raising" in German, English and Mandarin. In: Kim, J.-Y. Lander, Y., Partee, B. (Eds.), Possessives and Beyond: Semantics and Syntax. GLSA Publications, Amherst, MA, pp. 365-383.
- Gast, V. & Hole., D., 2003. On paradigmatic (in)coherence in Romance and Germanic reflexives. In: Gunkel, L., Müller, G., Zifonun, G. (Eds.), Arbeiten zur Reflexivierung. Niemeyer, Tübingen, pp. 75-89.
Other publications
- Geist, Ljudmila 2018 accepted 12.03.2018. Artikel "Applikativ", "Dativanhebung", "Pertinenzkonstruktionen" In: Schierholz, Stefan und Wiegand, Herbert. E. (Hrsg.) Fachwörterbuch Grammatik. Bd 1.1 Formenlehre. (Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (WSK)).
- Geist, Ljudmila 2014. Rezension "Isabelle Roy. Nonverbal predication. Copular sentences and syntax-semantics interface (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 45)." Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. xiv+214. Journal of Linguistics 50(1): 255-260.
- Hole, D., 2013a. Binding - data, theory, typology. In: Logic, Language, and Computation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Heidelberg/New York, pp. 4-11.
- Hole, D., 2002. Er hat den Arm verbunden - Valenzreduktion und Argumentvermehrung im Haben-Konfigurativ. In: Grammatische Kategorien aus sprachhistorischer und typologischer Perspektive. Aktendes 29. Linguisten-Seminars (Kyoto 2001). Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik, Iudicium,München, pp. 167-186.
- Geist, L. DP-layers: semantics and pragmatics. Kolloquium "New developments in syntax and semantics", Universität Stuttgart, 29.05.2018
- Fraser, K. and Hole, D. 2018. "Scalar evaluativity and other secondary meaning types in argument alternations." DGfS 2018, A3: EvalSem. Universität Stuttgart, 7-9.3.2018
- Fraser, K. and Hole, D. 2017. "Scalarity in the swarm alternation." Workshop "The building blocks and mortar of meaning II". Universität Tübingen, 3-4.11.2017
- Geist L. & Hole D. 2017 "Binding by voice." Workshop CamVoice, University of Cambridge, 23.05.2017 (zusammen mit Daniel Hole)
- Geist L. and Hole D. 2017. Dative, extra arguments and semantic binding. Posterpräsentation. GLOW University of Leiden, 14.03.2017
- Hole, D. 2017. "Der Himmel hängt voller Geigen - the German Stative Locative Alternation at the syntax-semantics interface." FB-Kolloquium. Universität Konstanz, 16.2.2017
- Hole, D. 2016. "The "free" datives of German as exponents of a type of clause-level reflexivization." Linguistisches Kolloquium. Technische Universität Braunschweig, 12.12.2016
- Geist, L. 2016. "Nominal predication: German vs. Russian." FDSL. HU Berlin, 7.12.2016
- Geist, L. and Hole, D. 2016. "Theta-head binding in the German locative alternation." Workshop on Event Semantics. Universität Düsseldorf, 26.11.2016
- Geist, L. 2016. "Literal and non-literal meaning of role nouns in German." Posterpräsentation, workshop on literal/non-literal meaning divide. Universität Stuttgart, 10.10.2016
- Geist, L. 2016. "Nominale Prädikation: eine kontrastive Analyse Russisch-Deutsch." JuSla. Universität Göttingen, 14.09.2016
- Geist, L. 2016. "A contrastive analysis of nominal predication: German vs. Russian." Invited Talk, Linguistisches und Slavistisches Kolloquium. Universität Göttingen. 01.06.2016.
- Geist, L. 2016. "Predication in contrast: German vs. Russian." Linguistisches Kolloquium. Stuttgart, 24.05.2016
- Geist, L. 2016. "Eine Alternation im Bereich der Prädikatsnomina." Invited Talk. Universität Leipzig, 04.05.2016.
- Geist, L. 2016. "Alternation im Bereich der Prädikatsnomina: Kontrastive Analyse Russisch-Deutsch." Invited Talk. Universität Konstanz. 29.04.2016
- Geist, L. 2016. "Predication over aspects of human individuals." SFB Kolloquium. Stuttgart, 11.04.2016
- Geist, L. 2016. "From Indefinite NP to bare NP: Why does the indefinite article disappear?" Invited Talk. DGfS Tagung. Konstanz, 25.02.2016
- Geist, L. and Hole, D. 2015. "Binding in the German Locative Alternation." Forschungskolloquium. Universität Stuttgart, 08.12.2015
- Geist, L. 2015. "Predication over aspects of human individuals." Workshop on Event Semantics 2015. Universität Stuttgart, 20-21.11.2015.
- Hole, D. 2015. "Revisiting the German Stative Locative Alternation." Workshop on Event Semantics 2015. Universität Stuttgart, 20-21.11.2015.
- Geist, L. and Hole, D. 2015. "Alternations and theta-induced Knight Move Binding". SFB Workshop, Area B: The building blocks and mortar of word meaning. Universität Stuttgart, 7-08.10.2015.
- Geist, L. and Hole, D., 2015. "Theta-head Binding in German Locative Alternations". Poster at Sinn und Bedeutung. Tübingen, 9-12.09.2015.
- Hole, D., 2015. "Bound bridging definites in German and theta-induced binding". SLE 2015 Workshop: Locally bound possessives as a window on language structure. Leiden University, 02-03.09.2015
- Geist, L., 2015. "Bare predicate nominals in German: a binding analysis." Forschungskolloquium. Universität Stuttgart, 07.07.2015.
- Geist, L., 2015. "Artikelweglassung bei Personenbezeichnungen". Tagung Grammatiktheorie und Grammatikographie. IDS Mannheim, 17.-19.06.2015.
- Hole, D., 2015. "Pronouns and anaphors in complex DPs". Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 21.04.2015
- Hole, D., 2015. "Logophoricity and complement pronominalization with German relational nouns (and other complex nominals)". DGfS Workshop: Perspective-taking. Universität Leipzig, 04-06.03.2015.
- Geist, L., 2015. "Prädikatsnomina ohne Artikel als Bezeichnungen von sozial etablierten Rollen." Invited talk, Germanistisches Kolloquium. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 15.01.2015.
- Hole, D., 2014. "Theta-induced binding vs. pronoun-centered binding: the case of free datives in German". Workshop: Event Semantics and Lexical Semantics. Universität Jena, 28-29.11.2014
- Hole, D., 2014. "Theta-induced binding vs. pronoun-centered binding: the case of free datives in German". Workshop: Pronouns in Embedded Contexts. Universität Tübingen, 07-09.11.2014