Publications B2

The publications of the CRC 732 project B2

Funktionsweise und diachrone Entwicklung deverbaler Nominalisierungsverfahren im Französischen und Italienischen

  • Uth, M. (to appear). The rivalry of French -ment and -age from a diachronic perspective. In Alexiadou, A. & M. Rathert, eds. Nominalizations across languages and frameworks. Berlin [u.a.]: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Uth, M. (2008). The semantic change of the French -age-derivation. Proceedings of the 13th ESSLLI Student Session, 203-212.PDF
  • Uth, M. (2008). The division of the causative eventive chain by means of -ment and -age. Working Papers of the SFB 732 Incremental Specification in Context 1, 209-234.PDF


  • Uth, M. (2009). "Über den semantischen Unterschied zwischen -ment und -age im Neufranzösischen." Talk held at the Workshop 'Ist die Wortbildung Autonom? Flexionsmorphologie und Wortbildung in den romanischen Sprachen', Romanistentag, University of Bonn, September 30 2009. PDF
  • Uth, M. (2009). "The semantic impact of -ment and -age in New French." Talk given at the SFB Project meeting of B4/D1, B2, on event nominalizations. University of Stuttgart, February 25 2009. PDF
  • Uth, M. (2009). "On the semantic impact of -ment and -age in New French: empirical investigations." Talk given at the Research Seminar 'Latest Developments in Syntactic and Morphological Theory', University of Stuttgart, January 13 2009. PDF
  • Uth, M. (2008). "The semantic change of the French -age-derivation." Talk held at the ESSLLI Student Session, University of Hamburg, Germany, August 4-15 2008. PDF
  • Uth, M. (2008). "Approaching the diachrony of the French -age-derivation." Talk given at the Klausurtagung of the Graduiertenkolleg 609, Kleinwalsertal, Austria, June 27-29 2007.
  • Uth, M. (2008). "Lexical semantics of aspectual operators: some issues concerning the formal representation of event nominalizations." Talk given at the Workshop 'Semantic Features in Derivational Morphology', University of Stuttgart, Germany, May 30-31 2008. PDF
  • Uth, M. (2008). "From kind formation to event nominalization: The morphosemantic change of the French -age-derivation." Talk given at the 13th International Morphology Meeting, University of Vienna, Austria, February 3-6 2008.
  • Uth, M. (2007). "How French -ment- and -age-nominals differ in the nature of their process and result readings - An investigation in the realm of the causative/anticausative-alternation." Talk given at the weekly meetings of the SFB 732, University of Stuttgart, Germany, December 17 2007.
  • Uth, M. (2007). "The rivalry of the French nominalization suffixes -age and -ment from a diachronic perspective." Talk given at the Workshop 'Nominalizations across Languages', University of Stuttgart, Germany, November 30-11 2007.
  • Uth, M. (2007). "A uniform semantics for the suffix -age in Old French." Talk given at the Klausurtagung of the Graduiertenkolleg 609, June 27-29 2007, Kleinwalsertal, Austria. 
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