Incremental Specification in Speech
Marko Lugger, Bin Yang (2008), "Cascaded emotion classification via psychological emotion dimensions using a large set of voice quality parameters", Proceedings IEEE ICASSP 2008
Marko Lugger, Bin Yang (2007), "An incremental analysis of different feature groups in speaker independent emotion recognition", Proceedings ICPhS 2007, Saarbrücken, pp. 2149-2152
Marko Lugger, Bin Yang (2007), "The relevance of voice quality features in speaker independent emotion recognition", Proceedings IEEE ICASSP 2007
Andreas Madsack, Steven Lulich, Wolfgang Wokurek, Grzegorz Dogil (2008), Subglottal Resonances and Vowel Formant Variability: A Case Study of High German Monophthongs and Swabian Diphthongs, LabPhon11, Wellington
Stefan Uhlich, Bin Yang (2008), "A generalized optimal correlating transform for multiple description coding and its theoretical analysis", Proceedings IEEE ICASSP 2008
Wolfgang Wokurek, Andreas Madsack (2008), Messung subglottaler Resonanzen mit Beschleunigungssensoren, Fortschritte der Akustik--DAGA-2008 (Dresden) pp.251-252
Andreas Madsack, Grzegorz Dogil, Stefan Uhlich, Yugu Zeng; Bin Yang (2009), "Phone-based Plosive Detection", Technical Report, Universität Stuttgart