Exemplar-Based Speech Representation
Katrin Schweitzer, Michael Walsh and Antje Schweitzer: To see or not to see: Interlocutor visibility and likeability influence convergence in intonation. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Assocation (Interspeech). Stockholm, Sweden.
Jagoda Bruni, Daniel Duran and Grzegorz Dogil: Usage-based phonology and simulations as means to investigate unintuitive voicing behavior. Proceedings of the Annual Meetings on Phonology, Vol. 2, 2016.
Antje Schweitzer and Michael Walsh: Exemplar Dynamics in Phonetic Convergence of Speech Rate. Proceedings of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech) 2016, San Francisco, USA, pp. 2100-2104
Jagoda Bruni, Daniel Duran and Gzegorz Dogil: Unintuitive phonetic behavior in Tswana post-nasal stops. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech). pp. 1725-1729.
Daniel Duran, Jagoda Bruni, Michael Walsh and Grzegorz Dogil: A Hybrid Model to Investigate Language Change. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK.
Jonathan Vais, Natalie Lewandowski and Michael Walsh: Investigating Frequency of Occurrence Effects in L2 Speakers: Talent matters. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK.
Katrin Schweitzer, Michael Walsh, Sasha Calhoun, Hinrich Schütze, Bernd Möbius, Antje Schweitzer and Grzegorz Dogil: Exploring the relationship between intonation and the lexicon: Evidence for lexicalised storage of intonation. Speech Communication (66), pp. 65-81.
Michael Walsh, Katrin Schweitzer, Hinrich Schütze and Dermot Lynott: Examining the influence of pitch accents on word learning in German. Proceedings of the 15th Australasian International Speech Science and Technology Conference (SST), Christchurch, New Zealand
Duran, D., Bruni, J., Dogil, G. Acoustic and articulatory information as joint factors coexisting in the context sequence model of speech production. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) 19 (1).
Michael Walsh, Daniel Duran, Jagoda Bruni: Exemplar-based categorisation of vowels using acoustic and articulatory data. Phonetik & Phonologie 9 -- Book of Abstracts, S.96, 2013, Zürich.
Daniel Duran: The strength of perceptual magnets determined by different neighbourhoods. Phonetik & Phonologie 9 -- Book of Abstracts, S.29, 2013, Zürich.
Daniel Duran: Computer simulation experiments in phonetics and phonology: simulation technology in linguistic research on human speech. Dissertation, Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Universität Stuttgart. 2013. URL: http://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/opus/volltexte/2013/8789
Michael Walsh, Katrin Schweitzer and Nadja Schauffler (2013). Exemplar-based pitch accent categorisation using the Generalized Context Model. Proceedings of the Interspeech 2013, Lyon, France.
Duran Daniel; Bruni, Jagoda; Dogil, Grzegorz: Modeling multi-modal factors in speech production with the Context Sequence Model. In Petra Wagner (Hrsg.): Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation. Band 65, s.86-92.
T. Kuczmarski, D. Duran, N. Kordek, J. Bruni (2013): "Second-degree polynominal model of Mandarin Chinese Lexical Tone F0 Contours". In Petra Wagner (Hrsg.): Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation. Band 65, s.218-222.
Dogil, Grzegorz: Crossing the quantal barriers of features: subglottal resonances and Swabian diphthongs in Goldsmith et al. Tones and features, Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter.
Daniel, Duran; Jagoda, Bruni; Dogil, Grzegorz: Specification in context - incorporation of an articulatory factor into the Context Sequence Model. Presentation on the 43rd PLM conference (Poznan, Poland).
Duran, Daniel; Bruni, Jagoda; Michael, Walsh; Hinrich, Schütze; Grzegorz, Dogil: Phonological constraints verified by a rich memory exemplar model: extrametricality and articulatory binding in Polish obstruent-sonorant rhymes. Book of abstracts of the 13th Conference of Laboratory Phonology, Stuttgart, Germany, July 27-29, 2012.
Schütze, H., Walsh, M., 2011. Half-context language models. Computational Linguistics 37 (4), 843-865.
Daniel Duran, Hinrich Schütze, Bernd Möbius, and Michael Walsh (2011). A computational model of unsupervised speech segmentation for correspondence learning. Research on Language and Computation, 8, pp.133-16
Katrin Schweitzer, Michael Walsh, Sasha Calhoun, Hinrich Schütze (2011): Prosodic Variability in Lexical Sequences: Intonation Entrenches Too. Proceedings of ICPhS 2011, Hong Kong, pp.1778-1781.
Bruni, Jagoda: Sonorant voicing specification in phonetic, phonological and articulatory context. Doctoral dissertation, Universität Stuttgart.
Duran, Daniel; Bruni, Jagoda; Dogil, Grzegorz; Schütze, Hinrich Speech events are recoverable from unlabeled articulatory data: Using an unsupervised clustering approach on data obtained from Electromagnetic Midsaggital Articulography (EMA) in Interspeech Conference Proceedings pp. 2201-2204.
Duran, Daniel; Bruni, Jagoda; Schütze, Hinrich; Dogil, Grzegorz: Context Sequence Model of Speech Production Enriched with Articulatory Features in Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) pp. 615-618.
Schweitzer, K., Calhoun, S., Schütze, H., Schweitzer, A., Walsh, M. Relative frequency affects pitch accent realisation: Evidence for exemplar storage of prosody. In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Australasian International Conferenceon Speech Science and Technology (SST). Melbourne, pp. 62-65
Dogil, Grzegorz: Hard-wired phonology in Fougeron et al. (Eds.) Laboratory Phonology 10 pp. 343-380. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter.
Mücke, Doris; Sieczkowska, Jagoda; Niemann, Henrik; Grice, Martine; Dogil, Grzegorz Sonortity Profiles, Gestural coordination and Phonological Licensing: Obstruent-Sonorant clusters in Polish. Poster presentation at 12th LabPhon Conference, Albuqueruqe, New Mexico.
Sieczkowska, Jagoda; Dogil, Grzegorz: Voicing profile of sonorants in consonant clusters: a case of Polish, German and American English presented at GLOW XXXVIII, Poland. Workshop abstract booklet [PDF]
Daniel Duran, Hinrich Schütze, Bernd Möbius und Michael Walsh: A Computational Model of Unsupervised Speech Segmentation for Correspondence Learning.
Research on Language & Computation, 2010, Vol. 8, No. 2-3, pp. 133-168.
Schweitzer, K., Walsh, M., Möbius, B., Schütze, H. (2010): "Frequency of occurence effects on pitch accent realisation". Proceedings of Interspeech (Makuhari, Chiba, Japan), 138-141.
Sieczkowska, J., Möbius, B., Dogil, G. (2010): "Specification in context: Devoicing processes in Polish, French, American English and German sonorants". Proceedings of Interspeech (Makuhari, Chiba, Japan), 1549-1552.
Walsh, M., Möbius, B., Wade, T., Schütze, H. (2010): "Multilevel Exemplar Theory". Cognitive Science 34, 537-582.
Wade, T., Dogil, G., Schütze, H., Walsh, M., Möbius, B. (2010): "Syllable frequency effects in a context-sensitive segment production model". Journal of Phonetics 38 (2), 227-239.
Daniel Duran, Hinrich Schütze und Bernd Möbius: Towards a computational model of unsupervised speech segmentation for correspondence learning.
Posterpräsentation bei: Positional Phenomena in Phonology and Phonetics workshop, Glow 33, 2010. Wroc?aw, Polen. Workshop abstract booklet [PDF]
Schweitzer, K., Walsh, M., Möbius, B., Riester, A., Schweitzer, A., Schütze, H. (2009): "Frequency matters: Pitch accents and information status". Proceedings of EACL 2009 (Athens), 728-736.
Schweitzer, K., Riester, A., Walsh, M., Dogil, G. (2009): "Pitch accents and information status in German radio news corpus". Proceedings of Interspeech 2009 (Brighton), 2415-2418.
Sieczkowska, J., Möbius, B., Schweitzer, A., Walsh, M., Dogil, G. (2009): "Voicing profile of Polish sonorants: [r] in obstruent clusters". Proceedings of Interspeech 2009 (Brighton), 2319-2322.
Sieczkowska, J., Dogil, G. (2009): "Voicing Profile of Polish and German sonorants in obstruent clusters". Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 6, 062002-062002-6.
Schütze, H., Walsh, M. (2008): "A graph-theoretic model of lexical syntactic aquisition". Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 917-926.
Travis Wade, Bernd Möbius (2008): "Detailed phonetic memory for multi-word and part-word sequences". Laboratory Phonology 11 (Wellington, New Zealand), 151-152.
Michael Walsh, Katrin Schweitzer, Bernd Möbius, Hinrich Schütze (2008): "Examining pitch-accent variability from an exemplar-theoretic perspective". Proceedings of Interspeech 2008 (Brisbane).
Uta Benner, Ines Flechsig, Grzegorz Dogil, Bernd Möbius (2007): "Coarticulatory resistance in a mental syllabary". Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Saarbrücken), 485-488.
Hinrich Schütze, Michael Walsh (2007): "Towards a Unified Exemplar-Theoretic Model of Phonetic and Syntactic Phenomena". Proceedings of the 29th Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2007, Nashville, TN), 1461-1466.
Hinrich Schütze, Michael Walsh, Travis Wade, Bernd Möbius (2007): "Accounting for phonetic and syntactic phenomena in a multi-level competitive interaction model". ESSLLI Workshop on Exemplar Based Models of Language Acquisition and Use (Dublin), 22-31.
Travis Wade (2007): "Implicit rate and speaker normalization in a context-rich phonetic exemplar model". Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Saarbrücken).
Travis Wade, Bernd Möbius (2007): "Speaking rate effects in a landmark-based phonetic exemplar model". Proceedings of Interspeech 2007 (Antwerpen), 402-405.
Michael Walsh, Hinrich Schütze, Bernd Möbius, Antje Schweitzer (2007): "An exemplar-theoretic account of syllable frequency effects". Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Saarbrücken), 481-484.